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Marketing a resort these days is a complex art. There are your social media platforms to consider, your website to keep updated, and traditional outreach to the broader community to conduct, whether on a local, regional, or national level – the list is long! Figuring out where your printed media falls into this new world can be tricky. This article will give you four ways print can successfully support your hotel’s marketing efforts.

Are you interested in implementing a Print Management System but don’t know where to start? Would you like to take advantage of the cost and time savings but are unsure how the process works? This article will break down the process of implementing a Print Management System into five simple steps.

Over the years, you may have heard the term Print Management System used on occasion. Some members of the resort industry swear by its effectiveness, while others are hesitant to dip their toes in the water. You may wonder whether a Print Management System is the best fit for you. This article will give you some quick go-to reasons why a Print Management System might be just what the doctor ordered for your resort or hotel.